Monday, October 18, 2010

Tips For Microscope Objective Cleaning

Cleaning a microscope objective is integral to good lab practice. Even lenses which look clean are often not. Specks of dirt can grind and scratch a microscopes optics, while use of caustic agents can cause the destruction of reflective layers from an objective, causing bad lab results, and ruining microscopes. There are several good practices one should observe when cleaning a microscope objective.

Remove objective

Using both hands, one to hold the lens and the other to turn the barrel, remove the microscope objective. Take care not to touch the lens, as grease and oil from your fingers are hard to move. Put the objective on a flat surface.


Take some lens tissue and fold it to a triangular point, then dip it lightly in solvent. Don't use too much, as this can lead to solvent collecting around the lens edge. While wiping, do so in a back and forth motion, turning the lens as you do so. Do not apply too much pressure.

Best cleaning materials

For dust, it is recommended to use distilled water, but if there is too much grease present, this my not be effective. There are several name brand solvents that work well on objectives, including solvents made by lens manufacturers Leica and Fuji.

Tags: microscope objective, There several