Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Use The Canon Xl2 Fld Filter

FLD filters are used on cameras when fluorescent lighting is a primary light source at a shoot. These filters can change the greenish color that fluorescent lights cause into something more natural. Using one made for a Canon XL2 camera is a simple process.


1. Gently screw the FLD circular filter onto the camera lens. Make sure it is secure. The filter will attach easily, so it should only take a few of small turns to secure it. Be careful about handling the filter, because any smudges or scratches can affect the image.

2. Turn on your camera and look through the viewfinder to make sure that you have the desired effect. You will immediately see a difference in color and shading in the space you're shooting. That greenish tint will be gone, and the space will look closer to normal.

3. If the shot still doesn't look the way you want it to, adjust your lights to get the effect you desire. Even attaching colored gels to your lights can enhance the shot, if you're looking for a more dramatic setup.

Tags: your lights