Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Save Cell Phone Text Messages To A Printable File

Save Cell Phone Text Messages to a printable file

Texting has quickly become a popular way of communicating. We often receive important information relating to sales agreements, custody and legal matters. Here's a tip on save your text messages to a printable file.


1. Did you know that text messages can be used in court? However, your cell phone provider will not provide you with your detailed text message unless you have a court order.

2. Begin by testing your service to be certain it can send and receive text messages through your email service. Log onto your email and send yourself a text message. Once received on your smartphone, try and send a test reply. Most email services do have IM or MSN etc.

3. Now that you can send and receive text messages to and from your email service, begin forwarding the text chains of importance. Forward text message chains such as custody arrangements, agreements for business and anything that may someday be of importance.

4. After you have forwarded the text messages, now set up a file on your computer where you can save these messages. If necessary, print them out and keep as a hard copy of the text conversation.

Tags: text message, text messages, your email, Cell Phone, Cell Phone Text, email service, Phone Text