Thursday, June 18, 2009

Set Your Stereo Equalizer

Set Your Stereo Equalizer

Stereos come in all shapes and sizes. They also produce all types of sound. An equalizer that is not adjusted could end up costing your stereo its performance. Believe it or not, there are special equalizer settings for each music genre. Tuning your stereo's equalizer is the first step in getting the most out of your system.


1. Position your speakers correctly. Place them about 3 inches away from the wall to reduce bouncing wave reflections. Make sure that they are equally spaced from each other.

2. Set all of the settings to 0. The equalizer ranges from low frequencies to high frequencies. Listen to some music and note how it changes when every knob is set to neutral.

3. Position the lowest bass setting to the highest it can go. Do the same with the highest treble setting. Notice how the sound of the music changes when you alter its frequencies. Raising and lowering a setting effects the amount of decibels that is being produced. Raise the setting to increase decibels and add more bass. Lower it to decrease decibels and increase treble. Adjust the highest and lowest setting to a level that you want.

4. Raise the middle settings to a level that you think suits best with the type of music that you are playing. Remember, depending on the type of music that is being played, the equalizer settings will have to be altered.

5. To set an equalizer to fit rhythm and blues music, there should be a dip in the middle so bass and treble levels are high. Raise bass and lower the higher frequency levels for rap type music. Adjust treble levels so that they are high and bass levels so that they are low to suit pop and vocal type music. Set all levels to an equal position for Rock.

6. Experiment with your own settings to get a feel with what sounds best to the type of music you like. Many stereos come with built in digital equalizers . Choose settings that include, rock, pop, and heavy, if you have this option.

Tags: type music, that they, changes when, equalizer settings, level that, levels that, levels that they