Monday, October 12, 2009

Diy Camera Case Patterns

A camera case can protect your camera, preventing damage to the lens and delicate mechanics. You can purchase a variety of camera cases at discount, electronics or specialty photography stores; however, these may not always be well suited to your personal style or needs. Depending upon your camera, you can make a very simple camera case, or one that is quite complex. At minimum, your camera case should hold your camera and charger or camera and spare batteries. You may also need storage for specialty lenses or other items.

Sewing Camera Cases

If you use a small point and shoot style digital camera, you need only a very minimal or basic case to store it. The smallest new cameras will actually fit nicely into patterns designed for MP3 players or cell phones with only minimal adjustments to create a camera case pattern. If you wish to create your own simple camera case pattern, start with a tape measure. You need to know the height, width and depth of your camera. Sketch out a simple schematic with a front piece and back piece, both with simple square notches one-half the depth of the camera cut into the bottom corners. Include a pocket on the front or back to hold spare batteries or a charger if desired. Add 1/2 inch seam allowances and cut front and back pieces from lining, fleece or felt for interlining and outer fabric. Stitch the two outer pieces right sides together. Match the corner notches up flat and stitch, creating a squared off bottom for your camera case. Stack the two lining pieces right sides together and place the interlining to the wrong side of each. Sew both long sides, leaving the bottom end open for turning. Tack a loop of elastic to one side of the top edge of the outer fabric. Place the outer fabric and lining pieces right sides together and stitch around the top edge. Turn right side out and handstitch the opening closed. Add a button to go with the small elastic loop. You can opt to add a gusset for a thicker camera or make a flap for your camera case as well.

Knitting or Crocheting a Camera Case

Felted wool is a good choice for a camera case. It will not harm or scratch your camera and can provide some amount of protection against bumps and some degree of water resistance. In order to create a felted camera case pattern you will need to know not only the gauge of your knitting or crocheting, but also the finished felted gauge. Once you know this, cast on enough stitches to cover the width of your camera once felted. Knit or crochet a simple rectangle to the depth you need. Pick up stitches around this rectangle and work to the desired length. Bind off knit stitches or work on only the required stitches to create a simple flap. Work a buttonhole if desired, or plan to add a loop once the camera case is felted.

An SLR Camera Case

If you have a digital SLR or a hybrid SLR camera, you may need something with a bit more body and structure than the simple cases previously suggest. You may also need to carry lenses or other equipment. Use fusible fleece to pad your camera case. Take measurements for your camera and any other equipment. Make a T-shaped pattern. The top of the T should be the width of your camera plus two times the depth of your camera. Add 1 inch for seams. Make the stem of the T two times the depth of your camera plus the height of your camera, then allow a generous amount for a foldover flap. The width should be 1 inch wider than the camera width. Cut a lining and outer piece, as well as any interlining or interfacing. Fuse interlining or interfacing to the lining fabric. Sew the lining and outer together at the top of the T. Seam together the lining and outer separately, then stitch the liner to the sides of the top flap, leaving the end open for turning. Turn and topstitch the opening closed. Add pockets to this bag if desired or adjust size to include lenses and accessories. Use velcro or snaps to close and add a handle if desired.

Tags: your camera, camera case, your camera case, camera case pattern, case pattern