Thursday, September 29, 2011

Car Battery Tips For A Long Life

Add a year or two to your car battery's life cycle with periodic maintenance.

The average car battery runs for approximately three to five years. But, according to the Auto-Facts website, the average car battery will make it to only the three-year mark. Extend your battery's life, and reduce your risk of sitting stranded in a parking lot due to a dead battery, by following a few simple maintenance tips.

Water Level

Standard 12-volt batteries hold six power cells (each cell produces two volts to the approximate 12-volt output). Each cell contains an ionized bath called an electrolyte. For car batteries, the bath is a mix of water and sulfuric acid (the water dilutes the acid). The electrolyte generates the electric current in the battery when you turn the ignition. Check the water level in the cells every two to four months. You want the level to barely reach the bottom of the refill hole. If it's low, use distilled water to refill the battery. Edmunds Tech Center warns against using tap water for the process; it will corrode the terminals.


The terminals are the positive and negative plugs on top of the car battery that connect to the corresponding wires to transfer energy from battery to car. Clean these terminals with a wire brush every three months or so. This process ensures there's nothing between the connectors (the wires/cords in the car) and battery terminals to dampen the energy connection. Remove the connectors by twisting them back and forth while you gently lift upwards. Edmunds Tech Center advises against excessive tugging or prying. After you clean the terminals, put the connectors back on by pushing each one firmly down onto its terminal. Edmunds recommends coating the terminal-connector joints with high-temperature grease to reduce corrosion and rust.

Extended Parking

Disconnect your battery if you know you won't drive the vehicle for more than two weeks. This prevents a gradual loss of charge. Remove the connector for the negative terminal (see "Terminals" for instructions). You can't take the connector out of the car, so put it where it won't touch the terminal.

Run Time

The alternator recharges the battery while the car runs. However, the car must be on for at least 20 minutes to fully recharge the battery. Try to limit how many short trips you take. According to Auto-Facts, "many starting cycles, coupled with short run times will leave your battery below the ideal charged specification." This cycle will lead to a short life for your battery.

Tags: your battery, average battery, battery life, Edmunds Tech, Edmunds Tech Center, Tech Center, your battery life