Thursday, April 5, 2012

Instructions For An Ihome Ih4b

The iHome iH4B is part of the SDI Technologies iHome iH4 series of iPod-compatible and portable speakers with a digital clock. The iH4B has an external power adapter and a internal memory backup battery. The iH4B comes with several docking port inserts to accommodate various generations of iPods. The basic functions of the iHome iH4B audio system are fairly straightforward.


1. Press the "Play" button on your iPod and place it onto the docking port on the top of the iH4B. The iH4B will automatically turn on and you will hear the music through the speakers.

2. Place the iPod in standby mode onto the docking port on the iH4B, then press the "iPod Play/Pause" button on the front face of the iH4B. The music will begin to play through the speakers.. You will see the iPod icon appear in the right-lower corner of the iH4B display screen.

3. Press the "Volume +" or "Volume -" buttons to increase or decrease the volume.

4. Press the "Left/Right" arrows to move forward or backward through the selections on the iPod.

5. Press the "Alarm Reset/Power Off" button to turn the iH4B off.

Tags: docking port, docking port iH4B, iHome iH4B, onto docking, onto docking port