Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Convert Slides Or Negatives To Digital

Convert old negatives and slides to digital for storage and safekeeping.

Digital cameras have become a household item since their introduction to consumers in the mid-1990s. Many people prefer digital to traditional 35mm cameras as they have the option of printing at home and deleting images that are less than satisfactory. The introduction of this technology does not diminish the memories captured on film. As a matter of fact, it is possible to digitize old film negatives and slides with another type of technology: a negative and slide scanner. These scanners work much like standard flatbed scanners. Use this hardware to convert film negatives and slides to digital.


1. Purchase a scanner with negative and slide scanning capabilities and that includes a transparent materials adapter (TMA).

2. To organize the scans, create a new folder on your computer in the area desired---for example, the Desktop or My Pictures folder.

3. Open the scanner cover. Spray a microfiber cloth with eyeglass cleaner, then wipe the scanner glass to remove lint and dust.

4. Remove the TMA cover on the underside of the scanner cover if applicable. Some negative scanners do not have this cover.

5. Slide the negatives into the designated negative slot or holder, making sure to follow the directions as indicated on the scanner. If the scanner uses a template, place the template on the scanner glass with the arrow aligned with the arrow on the scanner, then place the negatives or slides into the template.

6. Close the scanner lid and press the "Scan" or "Scan Film" button. The scanner software will pop up on your computer.

7. Set the Scan Type to "TMA," "Slides" or "Negatives." Depending on the scanner, the scan type titles will vary. Make sure the Scan Output is set to color, with a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) for the best printing results.

8. Hit "Browse" next to the Scan To box and select the designated scan folder created earlier. Choose "Scan" in the scanner software, which converts the negatives or slides to digital and saves them in the designated folder.

Tags: negatives slides, negatives slides digital, slides digital, film negatives, film negatives slides, negative slide, scanner cover