Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Do I Need A Power Adapter For The Canon Fs100

The FS100 camcorder is lightweight and a great way to shoot flash videos.

The Canon FS100 is a small, compact handheld camcorder that records flash videos. It contains a low-power recording feature that allows for longer recording time without having to constantly charge the battery. Although the power adapter is necessary when battery life runs low, it will not be a recurring burden during filming.

Low-Power Recording

The Canon LS100 features long recording durations without having to use a power adapter. This will allow for flexibility when shooting film in an area without outlets or other sources of energy.

Power Adapter

It is necessary to use a power adapter when the battery life runs low. Usually you can record up to two hours without the power adapter, if the memory card allows.

Memory Card and Recording Times

Different memory cards allow for a certain amount of recorded time on the Canon FS100 without having to use the power adapter. If you choose the FS100 camera with the built-in 8-GB memory card, you can expect up to one hour and 50 minutes of recording time. A 10-GB memory card can record up to three hours and 40 minutes, with appropriate charging of the battery through the power adapter.

Tags: power adapter, memory card, without having, battery life, battery life runs