Monday, April 1, 2013

What Flashes Will Work With A Olympus E500

The Olympus Evolt E-500 is a digital SLR Camera. The E-500 captures images in 8.15 megapixels, and features a built-in flash. For many professional photographers, the built-in flash may prove insufficient in capturing subjects with even light. Olympus provides several different external flash units that connect directly to the E-500. Based on your photography needs, one flash unit may prove to be suitable over another.

FL-50R Flash

The FL-50R is an external flash unit compatible with the E-500. The FL-50R permits wireless flash settings to be controlled and operated from the camera body. Additionally, wireless flash transmission channel settings allow multiple flash units to be controlled at the same time. Supported flash modes include TTL auto, auto, and manual. The FL-50R contains a bounce and swivel head. Flash coverage is automatically adjusted on the FL-50R in order to correspond to the image area when zooming.

FL-36R Flash

The FL-36R Flash is a lightweight and compact wireless external flash compatible with the E-500 as well. The flash is equipped with one-eighth step illumination control. The control provides precision shooting and accurate coverage of the subject. The FL-36R also includes a wide-angle diffuser panel, which provides even illumination when using wide-angle lenses. The compact zoom head accommodates a variety of lenses on the E-500, including wide-angle and telephoto lenses. The flash also includes wireless flash transmission channel settings, which enable the selection of individual flash power for groups of multiple flash units. The channel settings can be controlled from the camera body.

FL-20 Flash

The FL-20 Flash is compact flash created specifically for use with many Olympus digital cameras. The external flash unit is built in a unibody style that can swivel horizontally and attach directly to the hot shoe of the camera. The FL-20 has a high max. guide number of 20, which provides an array of different illumination settings. The flash also supports manual, normal auto, and auto TTL control modes.

Tags: external flash, channel settings, flash unit, flash units, wireless flash, also includes