Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Maintain Lcd Tvs

The proper maintenance of an LCD TV depends on the ongoing cleaning and care. Like all types of TVs an LCD TV is susceptible to wear and tear. Protect your investment by taking the following steps to maintain your LCD TV.


1. Place your TV in an area with a stable temperature. Too much humidity, heat or drastic temperature changes can affect the life of your LCD product. Do not expose the TV to spray pesticides or aerosol cleaners.

2. Unplug the LCD TV before cleaning. Use a damp soft cotton cloth, microfiber cloth or special screen cleaning wipes to gently remove dirt from the screen. Do not press down. Repeat every three days to avoid dust build up.

3. Buy brand name fluorescent bulbs to replace the old bulbs if the light balance on the TV screen fades. Check the contrast levels of your TV as higher contrasts require more light and age the light source more quickly.

4. Do not stretch and bend the wires of your LCD TV. Wires provide power to the TV and twisting the wires can cause a malfunction. Also do not bring sharp objects near the screen that may cause scratches.

5. Turn off the TV when it is not in use. Also do not let an image pause for a long time as it negatively affects the screen of the LCD TV. Read the user manual for your LCD TV for more maintenance tips.
