Thursday, December 5, 2013

What Are Hybrid Rechargeable Batteries

Hybrids are the next generation of batteries.

Nickel-metal hydride cells, or hybrid rechargeable batteries, are the next generation of battery. They combine the functional benefits of typical alkaline batteries with the cost advantages of rechargeable batteries. Hybrid batteries are suitable for all items, from low-drain remote controls to high-drain digital cameras and MP3 players.


Unlike the standard rechargeable battery, the hybrid rechargeable battery is ready-charged and ready to use on purchase. These batteries retain their charge for up to 12 months if unused. Hybrid batteries are available in standard battery sizes. Hybrid rechargeable batteries require a standard battery charge of 1 hour plus. Charges of 30 minutes and less damage the hybrid battery.


Compared with alkaline batteries the usage cost is low at around 2 cents per charge. Additionally, the expected life of a hybrid rechargeable battery is 1,000 recharges. The batteries work at temperatures as low as 14 degrees F, making them ideal for outdoor use in winter.


The batteries use nontoxic materials and are recyclable, making them more environmentally friendly than the standard alkaline battery. Additionally with one hybrid battery doing the work of 1,000 standard batteries, there are fewer batteries to dispose of, according to the website Battery Logic.

Tags: rechargeable battery, alkaline batteries, Hybrid batteries, hybrid battery, hybrid rechargeable