Monday, May 4, 2009

Adapt A Manual Lens To An Eos Camera

You can use a manual lens on your EOS digital camera.

The Canon EOS lineup of cameras are digital SLRs that come with a removable lens. This lens allows you to zoom in/out of desired content and manually or automatically focus on the material. Because the lens is nothing more than refined glass, you can use any other Canon-based lens on the digital camera, even if the hardware is from a film-based camera. This is because all Canon lenses have the same connection size. You can't, however, use lenses from other manufacturers as each company adjusts the size of its lenses so competitors are unable to use the equipment.


1. Press down on the black, rectangular-shaped button located on the edge of the Canon EOS digital camera, right where the current lens meets the camera.

2. Turn the lens to the left to unlock it from the camera. Once the lens can no longer turn to the left, pull it out and disconnect it from the camera. Place the lens in a safe location while not attached to the camera.

3. Look at your manual Canon lens. There is a small, red dot on the edge of the lens. Line this dot up with the red dot located on the lens opening of the Canon EOS digital camera.

4. Slide the manual lens into the opening, then turn it to the right. This locks the lens into place.

Tags: digital camera, Canon digital, Canon digital camera, from camera, lens into, manual lens