Thursday, August 6, 2009

Send A Free Sms To Ireland

With online SMS services, you can send an SMS to a friend in Ireland for free.

International calling and texting can get expensive, especially when you need to communicate often with someone who lives or vacations in another country regularly. If you have a friend, family member or special someone whom you need to communicate with in Ireland, you don't have to worry about sky-high phone bills from sending a few simple text messages if you opt to send the texts from the Internet instead.


1. Go to a site that allows free texting to other countries or specifically to Ireland (See References).

2. Enter your text message and the cellphone number of the person you want to send the SMS to. Depending on the site, you may or may not have to enter the country code required for international calls. Read the directions on the site to figure out whether you need this number. If you need it, the code for Ireland is +353.

3. Enter the capcha code to verify that you are a person and not a computerized system trying to send out spam messages to people in Ireland. Some sites may not have a capcha code requirement.

4. Click the "Send" or other similar button on the site to send your free SMS to your friend in Ireland.

Tags: capcha code, friend Ireland, need communicate