Friday, August 28, 2009

Shift Through The Lens

An SLR camera with a zoom lens can create motion-like photos with a longer shutter speed.

Shift through a camera zoom lens using a single-lens reflex or SLR camera and you will produce unique images that seem to be moving on their own. Instead of taking a flat image, the photograph may seem to be moving outward or inward in a particular direction. This gives the photograph more context as to what was happening at the time of capture. The best part of the process involves very easy manipulation of a camera lens that produces more interesting images with practice.


1. Obtain an SLR camera and attach an adjustable zoom lens to the camera body. Insert a memory card or film, depending on the camera type -- digital or film.

2. Turn the camera on. Adjust the SLR camera controls to manual settings for Time Value -- also displayed as TV or Tv on the camera. Turn the setting dial on the camera body back surface until the time value setting registers a point within 1/8 of a second to 1 second. Take a practice photo to confirm the shutter speed has indeed slowed down accordingly.

3. Hold the camera firmly or place it on a camera tripod to keep it still. Grip the camera body with one hand and the zoom lens with the other. Point the camera at a target and press the trigger button half-way to cause it to auto-focus.

4. Take a photo of the target. Twist the zoom lens to cause the image to zoom close or zoom out while the camera shutter is open recording the image. Practice taking a number of photographs with different levels of zoom twisting and time value settings. Write down notes with a pen and notepad regarding which photos were at specific settings.

5. Examine the photos taken and compare specific photos with notes on your camera settings. Look for images taken that show light lines or shade lines stretching outward from the image as it was photographed. Compare those with the time value effect on the shutter speed and the emphasis on zoom lens adjustment.

6. Continue practicing to improve shooting and producing specific camera zoom lens effects.

Tags: zoom lens, camera body, shutter speed, time value, camera zoom, camera zoom lens, photos with