Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ways To Organize A Camera Bag

When using a digital or film camera while traveling you may need to bring along a collection of accessories. This could include extra batteries, lenses, straps, media, film and filters. The best way to keep it all organized is through a camera bag, but a certain strategy must be implemented through the bag as well. These strategies will help you when you need quick access to your camera and protection as well.


Most bags contain a pre-made compartment for certain sized cameras. In most cases, the easiest way for quick camera retrieval is by sticking the lens down into the bottom of the bag. This way, you can pull the camera straight up and start shooting. Always keep the lens cap on while putting away the camera. This helps prevent scratches, dust and other damage to the camera.


Extra batteries should be in a compartment for quick retrieval. Keep dead batteries separate from charged batteries and try to stick them in outer compartments. For example, always keep charged batteries on a bag's right compartment and dead batteries on the left. Use masking tape and a permanent marker to label these compartments, if necessary.

Media Cards

Media cards are one of the smallest objects in the camera bag so they should be stored with the most care. Store the media cards in a zip-up pouch on the inner side of the bag. If no zipper pouch is available, attach a small Ziplock bag to the inner side of the camera bag. This gives an easy location where the cards cannot slide around, become damaged or get lost.

Cleaning Supplies

Always keep a small collection of lens cleaning cloths in a separate part of the camera bag. These are great for on-the-go cleaning and do not take up a lot of space in the bag. For more detailed cleaning, consider a small turkey baster. The pressurized air can easily clean a film sensor from any dust or dirt and is convenient on trips in nature.


Always keep as much padding as possible within the camera bag. Keeping items tightly together and next to padding prevents any shaking, rolling or banging of equipment. The more packed the better, but do not overfill your bag so that it becomes impossible to close.

Tags: Always keep, camera This, charged batteries, dead batteries, inner side