Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Buy A Gn Online Indicator Headset

Telephone headsets bring multi-tasking to an entirely new level. But, the problem is, no one can tell when you're on the phone. You know how it is--you're talking to a customer when a co-worker walks up and starts chatting. Suddenly, you're trying to keep track of two conversations. The GN Online Indicator Headset uses a flashing LED light to let others know when you're on the phone.


1. Educate yourself by reading product reviews.

2. Ask others for recommendations. Anyone who works in an office environment will be knowledgeable about headsets. They may have tried an online indicator headset and have some advice.

3. Make sure your equipment is compatible. GN Netcom's online indicator headset will only work if you have an 8000 or 8050-TCA amplifier.

4. Shop around online and in stores. Online indicator headsets usually run between $20 and $30. Look around for the best deal before making a purchase.

5. Ask for a bulk discount, if applicable. If you're ordering GN Online Indicator Headsets for the entire office, see if you can get a better deal. The company may be able to knock a few dollars off the price for you.

6. Power up--the batteries are included. The GN Online Indicator Headset comes with the two AA batteries it needs, so once it arrives, you're all set. The headset amps have a power-save feature, so you shouldn't have to change the batteries for a year.

Tags: Online Indicator Headset, Indicator Headset, indicator headset, Online Indicator, online indicator