Thursday, March 1, 2012

Any Language To An Android Phone

When you're using an Android phone, you have the option to change the language settings and use different fonts when you're typing out emails or messages. Unfortunately, some languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic, aren't supported by the Android. This means that instead of seeing a character in a message typed in either language, you'll simply see a white box. To get around this, you need to install a separate font that can handle other languages.


1. Navigate to with your computer's Web browser and download the Deja Vu fonts -- they are free.

2. Unpack the download using your computer's extracting program. Once unpacked, open the folder and locate the DejaVuSans.ttf file.

3. Right-click on the file and select "Rename." Rename the file to "DroidSansFallback.ttf."

4. Copy the font onto your Android's SD card. You can do this by first inserting your SD card into a memory card reader, then copying and pasting the font file as you normally would.

5. Run Terminal Emulator. If you don't already have Terminal Emulator on your Android, you can download it for free from the Android market.

6. Type in "su" then press "Enter." This will start Super User mode.

7. Type and run each command listed below one after another. Note that each line denotes a separate command (in essence, you type the first line then press "Enter," then type the second line then press "Enter"). Note than the commands are case-sensitive.

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

chmod 4755 /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf

dd if=/sdcard/DroidSansFallback.ttf of=/system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf


8. Wait for your Android to finish rebooting. Once it's been rebooted, previously unrecognized fonts and letters will be displayed.

Tags: press Enter, then press, then press Enter, your Android, fonts DroidSansFallback