Thursday, February 28, 2013

Adjust Laser Pointers

Laser pointers are inexpensive because the beam they project is weak. This is due to a limiter that is built into the laser mechanism. Adjusting the limiter will increase the power of the laser so that an inexpensive laser pointer can perform the same as one costing many times more. This does not require great skill or a knowledge of how lasers work.


1. Spread the newspaper over the work surface. Remove the battery cap and the batteries from the laser pointer. Set them aside on the newspaper.

2. Place the laser pointer on the newspaper with the side of the casing that has the button or switch face up.

3. Drill a hole in the casing of the laser pointer that is above and to the right of the button or switch. Continue drilling until the laser mechanism is revealed through the hole.

4. Aim the flashlight at the hole so that you can see the small screw on the laser mechanism. Use the jeweler's screwdriver to adjust the small screw a quarter-rotation clockwise.

5. Insert the batteries into the laser pointer and screw on the battery cap. Aim the laser at a wall and compare the intensity it now has with the intensity it had before. Remove the battery cap and batteries and readjust the small screw and test the laser pointer until you are satisfied with the intensity.

6. Put a small piece of cellophane tape over the hole. Cover the cellophane tape with bonding glue. Let the glue set. Put the batteries back into the laser pointer and close the battery cap.

7. Aim the laser at a wall and press the button or switch to see the more powerful beam.

Tags: laser pointer, button switch, into laser, laser mechanism, small screw, battery batteries, battery laser