Friday, February 10, 2012

Create Natural Light For A Photography Studio

Natural light makes for great photography.

Natural light is superior to traditional studio lighting. Natural sunlight can be reflected from all directions, ensuring enough lighting from all side. Such lighting conditions usually make for an attractive photograph, as objects look more pleasing to the eye. Artificial light can look harsh, creating unwanted shadows and unbalanced light distribution. To create natural lighting conditions is to basically mimic what the sun does everyday by creating lots of diffused light coming from all directions. To create your own natural light in a photo studio requires light and the means to diffuse that light.


1. Paint all the walls, ceiling and floor with white paint. Use this method to diffuse light and create a natural lighting environment, especially if you do not have any windows or skylights in the studio. Avoid a dark color that absorbs too much light rather than reflecting it. Don't use high-gloss paint, as this will create unnatural light reflection.

2. Set up your lights and diffusion screens, as well an an object you can observe through your camera to check the lighting conditions. Use good lights, even up to 1,000 or 1,500 watts, to light up the area around the object. Don't point the lights directly at the object but use the screens or a large piece of Styrofoam to deflect and diffuse the light. Move the screens and lights until the image looks balanced and well lit from all angles.

3. Take several photographs using different configurations and examine the results. Look at the image to find insufficiently lit areas. Change the positions of the lights and screens until you are satisfied with the lighting in the photographs.

4. Use an existing window or skylight to your advantage. Focus on lighting the background in order to balance the sunlight shining in on the subject. Use a white sheet or thin white curtain to diffuse direct sunlight.

5. Increase the amount of light by using reflectors made of silver or gold foil. Use the reflectors to generate more diffused light by positioning them in a way that the light is re-directed into a low lit area. Use this method to avoid shining the light directly at the subject.

Tags: lighting conditions, create natural, create natural lighting, diffuse light, diffused light, from directions, natural lighting