Friday, May 11, 2012

Convert Cassette Tapes To Mp3 Format

Converting your cassette collection to MP3 is easier than you think.

Converting your cassette tape collection into the digital MP3 format is far easier than you might expect. As long as your computer is equipped with a sound card (as most modern computers are), you can easily connect a tape player to your computer system and begin converting your cassettes. The whole cost of the project isn't more than a few bucks if you need a two-way stereo audio cable and the software used to create the digital files is open source and completely free.


1. Download and install Audacity (see Resources).

2. Connect your tape player to the computer using a two-way stereo cable. Plug one end into the output of the tape player and the other end into the input on your computer (usually a blue input).

3. Insert the tape into your tape player and rewind the tape to the point at which you would like to begin converting the audio into MP3.

4. Launch Audacity.

5. Select "Edit," "Preferences."

6. Set the recording device to be your sound card and then click "OK."

7. Click "Record" in Audacity.

8. Press play on your tape player to begin recording the audio from the cassette to your computer.

9. Click "Stop" in Audacity to complete the recording once you have captured the audio from the cassette.

10. Select "File," "Export to MP3" to save the recorded file as an MP3.

Tags: tape player, your computer, your tape player, your tape, audio from