Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Format A Compact Flash Memory Card

Format a Compact Flash memory card.

There are a number of different memory card types, and SanDisk's Compact Flash is one of the larger models used in digital devices. These memory cards are mostly used in cameras, but they have been increasingly popular in some video recorder models also. Anytime you have a new CF card or a new device, you should format the card. While it is possible to format in Windows, this isn't ideal. For best results, format the CF card using the camera, video recorder or other device that you intend to use it with.


1. Open the device's storage location and insert the Compact Flash memory card. Only do this when the device is turned off.

2. Power on the device and navigate to the main menu.

3. Navigate to the "Tools" or "Set-Up" menu. If you aren't sure where the format option is for that device, consult the user guide for a detailed layout of the menu screen. Every device that uses CF memory cards will have a built-in formatting tool.

4. Locate the "Format" option and continue. Cameras usually require you press the right arrow to continue, but this depends on the device.

5. Agree to format the Compact Flash memory card, and select "Format" or "OK" if prompted. The camera or other device will then format the card so that it correctly works with that specific device.

Tags: Compact Flash, Flash memory card, format card, memory card, Compact Flash memory, device that