Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sell A Video Collection

So you want to know sell your video collection. In tough times, this is a fairly quick and easy way to scare up a few extra bucks. You'll have a couple of different options; choose which one works best for you to make your spare cash.


1. Put the whole thing on eBay in an auction. This is the quickest and simplest way to move your videos; however, you are also not likely to earn more than a couple of dollars per video. Make a list of all your videos, take a picture of them, then put them up for sale at the absolute smallest amount you'd be willing to sell them for.

2. Sell the videos individually on Ebay in auctions. You're likely to get more money for the videos, but this is also incredibly time consuming and will cost you around $0.50 for each auction. Take a picture of each for more visual appeal.

3. Put the whole thing on craigslist for a set price. As in Step 1, you'll want to publish a list and a picture of the whole lot. Here, however, you'll want to list it for what you think is slightly higher than a fair price. Be prepared to negotiate it down.

4. Take the whole collection to Blockbuster and trade them. Blockbuster will allow you to trade DVDs for reasonable prices assuming you're willing to take store credit. Do this, then purchase a gift card in that amount. While this won't net you extra cash, you won't be spending any money at Blockbuster for while (and you could also then sell the gift card on ebay).

5. List each video individually on for a fixed price. This probably the best way to make the most money, but is time consuming. However, shipping will be paid by the seller, and you can expect the DVDs to sell relatively slowly over time, so you won't be shipping them all individually at the same time.

Tags: best make, gift card, time consuming, whole thing, your videos