Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Use An It8 Chart For Digital Cameras

An IT8 target is based on an International Standard ISO 12641 for color management. The IT8 target contains color patches organized in 12 rows by 22 columns, plus a neutral scale at the bottom. The IT8 target is designed for devices such as scanners and printers, but not digital cameras. As an alternative, LaserSoft Imaging created the SilverFast DC Pro target that calibrates the digital camera. This camera profile acts as a reference for future shots in the same lighting conditions, with the white balance, ISO setting and other camera settings set to the same values.


Photograph the Studio Target

1. Set up two or three light sources with uniform intensity directed at the profiling target. The target can position on a floor or a table.

2. Set the digital camera's setting to RAW format.

3. Set the digital camera in front of the target. The camera should not cast a shadow on the target. The target's sides should appear parallel in the camera's viewfinder.

4. Photograph the studio target.


5. Install the SilverFast DC Pro software.

6. Upload the digital image to the computer.

7. Open the SilverFast program and the file.

8. Click the SilverFast calibration button on the vertical tool bar to open the IT8 Calibration dialogue window in the left pane.This pane contains a check box to select the DC Pro target or the IT8 target.

9. Clear or select the check box for the "Use DC Pro Target" section. A virtual light table displays the color patches.

10. Click and drag the cursor at the corners of the white-dotted frame marquee to line up the patches with the target photo's patches.

11. Click the "Start" button to begin the calibration. A dialogue box for "Save" appears.

12. Change the profile name, if preferred, on the "Save" dialogue box. .

13. Click "Save" to save this profile.

14. Click "OK" to refresh the camera profile and set this calibration to the preview.

Tags: digital camera, target target, camera profile, color patches, patches Click