Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Make Mp3 Files Compatible With Ghex

Guitar Hero Explorer, or GHEX, is the song editor and recorder for the Guitar Hero video game. GHEX allows you to upload custom songs into the Guitar Hero game. However, GHEX requires specific song file format called a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). While MP3s can't usually be converted to MIDIs, there is a way around this issue. While it may sound difficult, converting MP3 files to be compatible with GHEX is easier than it sounds once you know what to do.


1. Select the MP3 song file that you want to upload into GHEX.

2. Open your audio recorder software. If you don't have one, multiple freeware and paid software are available for download online. Examples include Ambrosia's WIretap software (for Macs) and the open source Audacity from Sourceforge (for Macs and PCs).

3. Play the MP3 file while simultaneously recording it using your audio recorder software.

4. Save the recorded audio as a .MIDI file. A MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a type of computer music file that includes both computer data and audio data. An MP3 file, on the other hand, is simply audio data.

5. Open GHEX. Click "File" and "Open File" in the GHEX menu bar. Import the .MIDI song file into GHEX and save. The song file can now be edited in GHEX and saved to the Guitar Hero video game.

Tags: Guitar Hero, song file, your audio recorder, audio data, audio recorder, audio recorder software, Digital Interface