Monday, May 10, 2010

Install A Power Inverter Kit

Power inverters are commonly used to change DC electrical power to AC electrical power. These units are commonly used to expand the AC amenities which can be used inside a vehicle. Items such as televisions and laptops are common items these devices are used for. Another usage of these devices is found in solar power systems. These systems use power inverters to supply the bulk of the power needed to run a home. These units are quite large and usually use screw connector terminals instead of having pre-installed input wire.


1. Locate the positive and negative terminals of the power source. This could be a 12-volt battery or the power rails of a solar power system.

2. Mount the power inverter into place and make sure that it can get a good amount of air circulation. Make sure the power inverter is shut off if it has a power switch. Connect one end of the red wire to the positive input terminal of the power inverter. Then connect the other end of that wire to the positive terminal of the power source.

3. Connect one end of the black wire to the negative terminal of the power inverter. Now connect the other end of that black wire to the negative terminal of the power source. Turn the inverter on and test it.

Tags: power inverter, terminal power, power source, black wire, black wire negative