Monday, June 28, 2010

Replace Re20 Foam

The Electro-Voice RE20 is a dynamic cardioid microphone that has traditionally been used in professional broadcast recording. But through the 1970s and 1980s, the microphone was widely employed in rock music recording. That's because this versatile microphone can handled a wide range of frequencies. The microphone's design features a large outer case. The microphone's internal components are protected by a foam cover. If this foam becomes damaged, not only would it compromise the sound of your recordings, but it would leave the microphone open to severe moisture damage.


1. Unplug the microphone cable from the connector on the bottom side of the microphone and relocate the microphone to a safe work surface.

2. Unscrew the top cover from the rest of the microphone's case and lift the main diaphragm out of its slot inside the microphone. Be gentle and don't remove the diaphragm completely because there are two delicate wires still soldered to it.

3. Grasp the foam cover inside the microphone's case and remove it. Be sure to remove any broken pieces of foam that may remain inside the microphone. Use a can of compressed air to blow out all dust, debris and dirt inside the microphone.

4. Slide the replacement foam cover into the microphone's case. Place the diaphragm component back inside the microphone and replace the top cover.

Tags: inside microphone, foam cover, microphone case