Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ghost Hunting Equipment Used By Taps

TAPS uses a variety of equipment to investigate hauntings.

The Atlantic Paranormal Society, or TAPS, investigates paranormal activity. Its members can be seen on the television show Ghost Hunters on the SciFi Channel. TAPS performs these investigations free of charge. A team of investigators uses a variety of equipment to look for evidence that may support or disprove a haunting.

Digital Camera

Paranormal investigators say that ghosts can often be caught on film. Typically they appear as a mist or an orb in a picture. Taking photographs can reveal the entities, which will be immediately visible in digital images. Digital cameras offer an advantage because the investigator may decide to take a closer look at a supposed haunting, based upon what appears in the picture. A regular 35-millimeter camera that uses film will work just as well to capture ghostly images, but has the disadvantage of having to develop the film before viewing results.

Sound Recorder

Ghost hunters will often attempt to gain evidence of a haunting in the form of electronic voice phenomenon. This can be captured on any type of recording device such as a tape recorder or a digital voice recorder. Investigators will provide some type of white noise, for example, from a television or running water. then they will then ask questions aloud and pause for the answer. When listening to the recording later, investigators may find that the entity has responded and the "voice" is heard in the recording.

Infrared Camera

An infrared camera can pick up images that are in the infrared spectrum of light, which the human eye cannot see. Infrared cameras can assist paranormal investigators identify orbs and ghosts, but it is important to rule out physical reasons to see orbs, such as dust or insects.

EMF Detectors

TAPS investigators often use electromagnetic field detectors, which measure the electromagnetic field in the area to find areas of paranormal activity. A measurement between 2 to 7 milligauss (the measurement unit for magnetic fields), indicates possible paranormal activities. EMF detectors are affected by power sources such as microwaves and power lines, so it is important that the investigator is conscious of the area where fluctuations are observed.

Wireless Digital Weather Station

A wireless digital weather station measures the ambient air temperature. TAPS investigators are interested in temperature because a drop in the level of heat often indicates paranormal activity in the area. A wireless digital weather station system measures temperature in up to four locations. Some units also measure air humidity.

IR thermometer

An infrared thermometer measures the surface temperature of an object during an investigation. If the temperature of the object is higher or lower than expected based upon the ambient air temperature and other conditions in the room, it could indicate paranormal activity.

CCTV Cameras

Closed-circuit television cameras can be set up to observe the room or area under investigation. A hand-held video or digital camera may also be used, but it may require an investigator to be in the room operating the camera, and the memory available to record may be more limited than with CCTV cameras.

Tags: paranormal activity, ambient temperature, based upon, digital weather station, electromagnetic field, TAPS investigators