Friday, August 16, 2013

Use The Tip Calculator On A Verizon Lg Phonev

Let’s face it—figuring out the tip at restaurants isn’t most people’s idea of fun. For those of us who didn’t do very well in math, the math can be downright maddening. Since no one wants to come off looking like a cheapskate—or leave an underserved, excessively generous tip—the tip calculator on a Verizon LG cellphone can be a godsend.


1. Open phone and click the “Menu” button.

2. The center keypad above the numerical keys can click up, down, left and right. Click right until you see the “Settings & Tools” option.

3. Click “Tools.”

4. Click “Ez Tip Calc.”

5. Enter the bill’s total in the “Total bill” field.

6. Click down to the “Tip(%)” field and enter in what percentage you would like to leave.

7. Click down and enter how many people will be splitting the bill in the “Split” field. Leave the number at 1 if you are paying for the bill by yourself. The amount you should leave as a tip will appear in the “Tip($)” field, and the total amount due on the check will appear in red in the “You Owe” field.

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