Monday, August 19, 2013

Use Nikon 300 2 8 Lenses

The Nikon 300 mm f/2.8 lenses are long-range telephoto lenses. Telephoto lenses are primarily used by sports or nature photographers who are unable to get close to their subjects. These lenses are not for casual users. Using them, however, is not too different from using a standard Nikon lens. Mounting the lenses to a tripod is recommended since it will greatly reduce the accidental camera shake when shooting. While manual focus is available with all Nikon cameras, auto focus and other features are available only with some models. Check your camera's manual to see which lens is compatible with your camera.


1. Attach the lens by inserting the smaller end into the camera and rotating it clockwise until it locks into place. Remove the lens cap.

2. Support the weight of the lens using your hand or a tripod to reduce the strain placed on the camera body.

3. Set the focus mode on the camera by pushing the top switch to A for auto focus or M/A for manual focus.

4. Set the focusing range by pushing the second switch on the lens. Set it to "FULL" if the subject may be closer than 6 meters, or set it to "Infinity - 6m" if the subject will be more than 6 meters away.

5. Turn on and off vibration reduction by pushing the third switch to "Normal" or "Active."

6. Turn on and off the focusing confirmation beep by pushing the bottom switch to the corresponding icon.

7. Aim the camera at the subject and press the shutter button on the camera to gain focus. In manual mode, rotate the large lens barrel to adjust focus.

8. Press the shutter button fully to take the picture.

Tags: auto focus, focus manual, manual focus, shutter button, than meters, your camera