Monday, September 2, 2013

Install A Coax Cable Connector

Coaxial cables, often simply called "coax cables," are some of the most widely used cables. These cables help connect cable modems, cable television receivers, television sets, DVD players and many other electronic devices. If you have a damaged coax cable that is missing its connector, you must install a new connector in order to fix the cable. Otherwise you would have to buy a new cable, and though they aren't very expensive, a new cable would cost more than a simple connector.


1. Cut the coax cable to the desired size or simply cut off the end with the damaged connector using a pair of cable cutters.

2. Place the cable into the cutting end of a cable prep tool and then rotate the prep tool three times in any direction. The prep tool simply cuts and strips the cable simultaneously to prepare the cable for installing a new connector.

3. Push the excess silver-colored wire from the cable down onto the cable and then insert the cable into the connector fitting. Push the cable all the way into the fitting so that the copper-colored wire sticks out of the end of the connector.

4. Insert the cable with the connector into the compression tool and push down on the compression tool to finish installing the connector to your coax cable.

5. Cut off any part of the copper-colored wire sticking out of the connector with the cable cutters.

Tags: cable into, coax cable, prep tool, cable cutters, compression tool, copper-colored wire, installing connector