Monday, September 16, 2013

Put Movies On A Digital Picture Frame

Some digital picture frames can now play audio.

Digital picture frames are not only for displaying static pictures; they're becoming a popular item for those who want to watch a movie on a tablet-like screen. In 2008, the first digital picture frames that allowed audio appeared on the market, and since that time the frames have gained in popularity. According to Parks Associates, sales of digital photo frame products will exceed 12 million in 2010.


1. Use a digital picture frame that has audio and video capability. Because you'll be using your frame to watch movies, also consider the size, resolution and display technology of the frame. You can select from a frame resolution of 640 by 480 pixels to 1,280 by 1,024 pixels, but try to purchase a frame with active matrix thin film transistor display technology.

2. Load your movies onto a feeding device using a memory card or USB drive that is compatible with an outlet on your digital picture frame. If you're using a memory card within a camera, your movies should be stored on the memory card. If you're loading movies onto a USB from your computer, plug in the USB to the port on your computer and save the movies to the USB.

3. Turn on your digital picture frame. Insert the feeding device with the movies on it into the outlet on the side of the frame.

4. Locate the movie on the list of items that is displayed on the screen and play it. Every item that is on the feeding device should be displayed if it is compatible with the picture frame.

Tags: digital picture, feeding device, memory card, picture frame, picture frames, compatible with, digital picture