Monday, September 2, 2013

Troubleshoot A Cordless Microphone

The use of the cordless microphone has become more and more prevalent with each passing year. Where cordless microphones were once considered "space age," they are now everywhere from the local fast food drive-thru to the corporate boardroom presentation. However, as with most technologies, there are issues that a user will need to troubleshoot to operate the cordless microphone properly. Read on to learn troubleshoot a cordless microphone.


1. Check to make sure the transmitter and receiver both have the necessary power requirement. Essentially, ensure the receiver has fully charged batteries and the transmitter plugged in.

2. Make sure to not place the transmitter directly in contact with the users' skin. Sometimes perspiration from a user can cause the transmitter to fail. So be sure to place the transmitter in an area where perspiration is not a problem.

3. Determine if there is any damage to the antenna of the cordless microphones receiver. A bent or unsecured antenna can cause transmission problems with a cordless microphone. On older systems, it may be necessary to angle the antenna towards the user for better reception.

4. Ascertain if there are any other electronic devices in the area. These devices can interfere with the cordless microphones reception. This can be anything from a cell phone to a microwave oven. Be certain that the user has his or her cell phone turned off when using a cordless microphone.

5. Find out if the microphone and antenna lines are crossed. This is a common cause of interference in cordless microphones signal.

Tags: cordless microphones, cordless microphone, cell phone, cordless microphone, place transmitter