Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Professional Photography

About Professional Photography

Professional photography can take many forms. From documenting people, products, services and industries, professional photography scopes much larger than the family portrait studio. Results from a professional photography service should be unvarying, reliable and well executed. Portrait studios, newspapers, advertising agencies and large corporations employ professional photographer to produce photography products.


Consistent, quality results characterize professional photography. Well lit images, with creative lighting patterns are essential. Clear, sharp images with crisp color and saturation are also signs of professional photography.

Composition and posing should be pleasing to the eye. The arrangement of subjects, attention to background detail and foreground elements should be apparent. A focus on color coordination, the blending of shapes and balancing of textures should also be visible. The images should look natural, and inviting, rather than stiff and uncomfortable.

Artistic expression may break all of these guidelines, but as long as the photograph is powerful, has intrinsic value and has been executed with technical perfection, it may still be classified as professional. The level of photographic quality is always negotiable by the artist.


Professional photography services and pieces of art should give the consumer a reassurance of quality and consistency. A higher level of expectations can be met when a professional photographer is completing the photographic work.


Creative options, cropping, styling, coloring and retouching are options available from a professional photographer or photography service. Professional photographers that offer digital services can use photo editing software to remove blemishes, take out backgrounds or even merge multiple photos together. Color photographs can be tinted, turned black and white, sepia toned or even partially colored.

A guarantee of clear, well composed photographs may be made by a professional photographer. An average camera user can't produce such consistent results, or offer extensive imaging options, like a professional photographer.


Portrait photographers document people, pets and objects. Photojournalists record events for news and media outlets. Documentary photographers record changes over time with photographs. Advertising and marketing photographers work with companies to best showcase products, services and features of their company.

Fashion photographers work with models, hairstylists and make-up artists to create photographs for clients that range from clothing to food products. Corporate photographers document business growth and create photographs for annual reports, business promotional materials and does portraits of key business professionals.


Professional photography documents growth and change with a high quality product. It can also create memories, preserve milestones and provide a visual record of an individual, family, business or product.

Expert Insight

Professional photographers use SLR, or single lens reflex, style cameras. Some may use medium or large format cameras when reproduction of the images will exceed stand household prints, such as billboards. Interchangeable lenses are used with the cameras to create a variety of looks in the photographs. Telephoto lenses allow the professional photographer to shoot subjects that are far away. Wide angle lenses allow photographers to work in tight spaces. Studio lighting, external flash units, backdrops and reflectors are also used by professional photographers.

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