Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Basic Matting Techniques For Photography

Choose photo mat colors that complement your framed photographs.

Mats are a visually pleasing way to enhance certain aspects within photographs and they can make your images stand out in the center area of surrounding frames. In addition to aesthetic functions, they also protect and preserve photographs by adding air pockets and reducing moisture over time.

Choosing the Right Shade

Use single mats in light, neutral shades with photographs because these mats easily complement a variety of frame colors and styles as well as framed images. Use darker mats if you want to pull distinct colors out of photographs that the mats will surround.

Two Mats

Use two mats to add dimension and matching hues to a framed photograph. By using a neutral-colored outer mat with a darker-colored inner mat that matches something within the photograph, you can achieve an attractive, complementary look.

Putting it Together

Pull all of the elements together by using acid-free tape to attach the print to the mat. Use a piece of tape to adhere the top portion of the photograph to the mat. Don't tape the top and bottom ends (or all sides) of the photograph to the mat because your photograph should be allowed to breathe while it sits in a frame for an extended period of time. Use acid-free foam core or manila board to enclose mats on the backside of a frame.
