A good daycare facility will meet your child at her level and respond to her needs.
Special-needs children require special care and attention in daycare, and many parents find themselves overwhelmed when searching for the right facility. The right daycare can nurture your child's strengths and encourage confidence. With a little research and planning, finding a daycare for your special-needs child does not have to be a struggle.
Finding a Daycare
1. Ask friends and family for recommendations. The people who share your values and know your child are best equipped to help you find a daycare facility that will provide a nurturing, stimulating environment.
2. Contact local advocacy groups. Parents who have had similar experiences with their children can provide great insight into the best daycare facilities. They may also be able to help you brainstorm about what a special-needs child needs from a daycare facility.
3. Consider using in-home care. A nanny can be more readily adapted to your child's needs, and you'll have more control over the setting. Friends and family can be an excellent resource for recommendations for in-home care.
Interview Facilities
4. Once you have a list of recommended facilities, call and ask about setting up an appointment to come visit. A good daycare facility will allow you to sit in on classes and see how they are run. Never use a daycare that will not let you visit.
5. Prepare a list of questions to ask. Tailor your questions to your child's specific needs. You can ask about how the daycare handles bullying, tantrums, delays in speech, and other issues.
6. Ask about experience with special-needs children. A daycare facility does not necessarily need to specialize in special needs to be a good match. However, some experience with special-needs children is vital. You should also consider asking for references from the facility.
Tags: find, daycare, child, special, needs, daycare facility, your child, child needs, daycare facility will, experience with, experience with special-needs, experience with special-needs children, facility will